Why fitness bands get my vote over smartwatches

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Why fitness bands get my vote over smartwatches

If there’s a Guinness World Record, I have a chance of holding, it’s that of the person with the shortest attention span. There’s no other explanation for how often I end up in a Wikipedia rabbit hole daily. And that’s precisely why I find that a fitness band is the perfect companion for me and my smartphone.

It doesn’t try to be flashy or bombard me with notifications. It just tracks my steps, judging me silently (but hopefully motivating-ly) when I spend an hour “researching” about where the dumbbell was first made instead of, you know, actually exercising.

At this point, you must be wondering why this bias towards one wearable over another. And no, I am not writing smartwatches off completely. Though I have used a number of smartwatches over time, I tend to find myself returning to my fitness band.

Toe-may-to, Tuh-mah-toh

First things first, what is the difference between a fitness band and a smartwatch? Well, to answer in brief – fitness bands crawled so smartwatches could fly.

A fitness band does exactly what its name suggests – it counts my steps, tracks my workouts, monitors my heart rate and sleep quality. A smartwatch does all that and much more. Depending on the model, a smartwatch will even let you make and receive phone calls or messages, and even browse the internet.

So, why do I prefer a limited-functionality wearable over one that is quite literally a phone on your wrist? Here’s why….

Size matters to me

The first advantage everyone will point to is the bigger display on the smartwatch. Unfortunately, I, a woman in her late twenties, have hands the size of teenagers. So, a decently sized smartwatch on my wrist looks like a baby holding an iPhone 15 Pro Max. It just doesn’t sit right – both aesthetically and practically.

And don’t even get me started on matching smartwatches with Indian outfits. No matter how many straps I try, I can’t pass it off as a cute accessory. My fitness band, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates into any ensemble. And thank God for it! Recently, at a friend’s sangeet, my fitness band counted my dancing as the workout for the day (and also helped me achieve my best stats)!

But it isn’t all just about the size or convenience. A fitness band does a great job in not letting me lose focus on what my goals are. And for that I’m eternally grateful.

Putting on my blinders

“I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me,” this is a Harry Potter quote I relate to the most. I am generally very motivated to start a workout. However, the break between sets is when I am the most vulnerable. I don’t know what to do with my mind when my body cools down. And if my mind catches a whiff of a distraction, then that’s it. Workout over.

I am very curious, and will even read what’s printed on the paper I get bhelpuri in. I am also the person whose thought process can go from, “I need to charge my power bank before leaving” to “Why is a building called a building even though it has been built?” in a matter of 1.9 seconds.

Like a toddler is not to be given sweets before bedtime, I should not have a siren’s call device on my wrist. And let’s be honest, a smartwatch is exactly that.

On the other hand, there isn’t a lot I can do on my fitness band. No replying to messages or playing games. And for me, that’s perfect – no unnecessary side quests, no unnecessary FOMO.

Hitting pause on FOMO

My trusty smartphone, while convenient, is also an enabler of wanting to be connected. I’m not saying I want to be completely cut off (hello, food delivery apps!), but I don’t want to add more fuel to the FOMO fire with a notifications-on-my-wrist gadget.

From a new meme trend to Taylor Swift announcing a new album, something is always happening, and I am afraid of missing out on it. But it can get a bit tiring. That is precisely why I prefer the minimalist approach of a fitness bands – it shows me just what I need to know, and no other notifications.

My Insta-crush commented on my latest photo? I’ll see it when I open the app and not when I am in middle of a 3-min plank. And I won’t feel like I am missing out on checking what has been commented, because I won’t know that a comment has been made.

Maybe sometime in the future, the benefits of a smartwatch will outweigh its cons for me. But for now, I like my pizza pineapple-free and wearable distraction-free.

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