What to do when your phone screen gets cracked

Give your smartphones a little TLC

What to do when your phone screen gets cracked

Nothing quite hurts as much as a cracked phone screen, doesn’t it? Whether you accidentally dropped it while walking along listening to your favourite tunes, or even threw it in frustration after a long day at work. It hurts all the same.

Now, along with this also comes confusion, and worry over what’s to be done next. Well, worry not. For this is where we step in.

Things to do when you crack your phone screen

Here are a few things to do if your phone screen happens to get cracked.

1. The first thing to do is assess the damage to your screen. When your smartphone screen cracks, it might be a superficial crack in the glass, or it might be a deeper crack in the display panel. While you could consider using your device as is, in the case of the former, we recommend you take your device to a service center and get it repaired all the same.

2. Before you take your phone to a service center though, transfer all your data and SIM card to a spare phone you or your someone you know may have. This is to make sure you’re not left without a phone while yours is away for repair and also to ensure that you don’t lose any data should your phone needs to be reset, during the repair process.

3. Depending on the extent of the damage to your screen, there are two options one can consider. While a repair may work out cheaper sometimes, also consider replacing your device if it’s due for replacement anyway. In certain cases, if your devices happen to be an older model, the cost of repairing them may far exceed their sale value. In such situations then, it is always a good idea to consider an upgrade.

Replacing a smartphone screen is a fairly expensive affair. One may consider sourcing a fresh one and repairing it themselves, to save money. The internet also happens to be full of DIY videos, guiding one on how to do just that. Steer clear of them though, always. Each smartphone model has its own nitty gritties, and has a different procedure to be opened up and repaired. Not to mention, opening it yourself, may also void its warranty.

ALSO READ: 8 tips to keep your phone as good as new

Therefore, one must always take their device to an authorised service center, so as to ensure their warranty isn’t compromised, and that they don’t accidentally cause more damage to it.

How to avoid having to spend on smartphone repairs

Now that you know what to do, and what not to do, in case you crack your smartphone screen, let’s take a look at how you can save money on repairs.

This is where accidental and liquid damage plans for your smartphones come in. These plans can be bought for a nominal amount while purchasing your phone. What they do is, cover all repairs for your smartphones arising due to damage from the occasional dents, dings and drops, and even spillage and splashes from liquids. If you’re wondering where one can purchase them or which ones, check out Croma’s ZipCare Damage Advanced plans for smartphones.

Bear in mind, however. Accidental and liquid damage plans can only be bought while purchasing your smartphone, and not afterwards. Secondly, one must not confuse them with extended warranty plans, since the latter covers only repairs arising from manufacturing defects.

Well, there you have it. The ocassional cracks on your smartphone’s screen really aren’t such a big deal, and can be dealt with quickly and easily.

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