What is DPI?

What is DPI?

In a world dominated by screens, Dots Per Inch (DPI) is a great metric to assess the quality of digital images, specifically on your laptops, desktopsprinters and monitors.  To get a comprehensive understanding on what a DPI is and its general implications, for laptop users, read on. 

What is DPI?

The DPI is a metric that helps us to assess the clarity of an image. It works by checking and quantifying the resolution of an image by calculating the number of individual dots that can be placed in one linear inch. This in turn, helps calculate the clarity and sharpness of the image in question. 

Why is DPI important? 

For users who are engaged in graphic designing, image editing, or general multimedia production, DPI is of great importance. Usually, the higher the DPI, sharper a given image is, which helps enhance one’s overall viewing experience. 

Laptops usually come pre-equipped and pre-configured with default DPI settings out of the box, but they allow users to adjust these settings based on their own preferences and usage.

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The DPI in a laptop is an important aspect that helps to determine the quality of an image. It helps enhance visual experience and get an optimal viewing experience. Ultimately, an enhancement to your interaction with visual content also helps increase your productivity.

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