Ways to reuse the wastewater from your RO water purifier

Wastewater from an RO filter is rich in dissolved salts and minerals, among other things. Don’t just throw it away

Ways to reuse the wastewater from your RO water purifier

RO or reverse osmosis water purifiers are incredibly effective at purifying water and making it potable. However, the RO process, which involves forcing water through a series of ultrafine filters, generates a significant amount of wasted water. This wastewater is packed with suspended particles, organic matter such as dead bacteria, and potentially, an unsafe amount of dissolved salts and minerals. 

While this water isn’t safe for either drinking or bathing, it can however be repurposed quite easily. Here are some suggestions for what you can do with the wastewater from RO filtration.

5 ways to reuse the wastewater from your RO water purifier:

1. Watering plants

2. In toilet flush tanks

3. In the washing machine

4. Cleaning the house

5. Washing vehicles

1. Watering plants

Waste RO water can be very healthy for plants as the water is rich in dissolved salts and minerals, and other impurities that are perfect for plant growth. The wastewater, which is usually stored in a small tank next to the RO purifier, can be extracted and used to water plants quite easily.

2. In toilet flush tanks

Another great use for this water is to dump it into toilet flush tanks. This can come in handy during water cuts, and, well, there’s something poetic about using wastewater to flush waste. You’ll save several litres of water this way, and you’re not unnecessarily wasting any water.

3. In the washing machine

If your water source isn’t too bad, the waste RO water can also be used to wash clothes. The first wash cycle is used to get rid of dirt anyway, so using RO water for the same isn’t a bad idea, especially if you’re washing things like woven floor mats and the like that get especially dirty to begin with. There won’t be enough wastewater for a full wash, but you’ll save a considerable amount of water by letting the waste RO water top up your washing machine before its first wash cycle.

4. Cleaning the house

Again, as long as the water quality in your area isn’t terrible, using the waste RO water for mopping the floors and/or any especially dirty surfaces can help save water.

ALSO READ: What is reverse osmosis in water purifiers?

We would recommend diluting the wastewater rather than using it directly on surfaces as the concentrated dissolved salts can leave a residue. You could also filter the water with a simple cloth filter to remove large particulates before mopping.

5. Washing vehicles

Waste RO water can be used to wash cars, but do bear in mind that RO water has a higher concentration of dissolved salts and minerals, as well as suspended particulate matter. Filter the RO water with a simple filter to remove larger particles, and then dilute it before using it to wipe down your car. This will help effectively use up the waste water from RO and avoid causing any damage to the finish of your car.

Don’t just throw away the wastewater from RO purifiers. Yes, the water isn’t fit for human consumption, but plants love that water, and even if you don’t have plants, the water can be repurposed with minimal effort.

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