Unlock the best services to maximise your appliance experience

Make your appliances last longer than ever before

Unlock the best services to maximise your appliance experience

Seamlessly weaving convenience into our routines, appliances are our all-time reliable companions. From the morning buzz of a coffee maker to the soothing hum of an air conditioner, they bring comfort and efficiency to our everyday pace.  

To truly unlock their potential, harnessing the power of top-notch services becomes important. Imagine having a team of experts ready to swoop in and tackle any appliance woes on a single call. Isn’t it delightful to receive the right support at the right time? This is when you get the right peace of mind.

How do you know how efficient your appliances are?

Appliance efficiency is not just about how smoothly it operates but also about other factors, amongst which energy consumption is an important one. Ever noticed those stars on your appliance? They are energy-efficiency badges of honour. Check for this energy-efficiency label on your appliances to know their energy consumption and efficiency. 

Now, let’s dive deeper into the numbers game. The user manual of your appliances might have the energy consumption data. These numbers give you an idea of how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year your appliances consume. It’s like a diary revealing your appliance’s secret. 

Newer appliances come with modern features like programmable timers, energy-saving modes, adjustable thermostat settings, etc., that tend to save energy. So, if your appliances are equipped with the latest features, they are indeed efficient. 

Pay closer attention to your monthly power bills. If there’s a sudden increase in electricity consumption, it could be a sign that your appliances are not working as they should and need timely repairs.

ALSO READ: Easy ways to increase the lifespan of your fridge

How can you make your appliances more efficient?

Appliances that work diligently daily can also become energy hogs if not used considerately. But the good news is that you can make your appliances efficient and running for years with a few simple steps.

The first and most essential step is to use the appliances correctly. Though these machines are our saviours and continue to operate for years, ensure you use them just in the right manner. Do not overload them, and do not use them excessively. Select the correct programs and keep the settings as needed. Remember, there’s always a limit to everything!

Clean your appliances in and out. Do not let the dust settle on the exteriors of your appliances. Replace the filters from time to time, inspect hoses and connectors, and check for those pesky leaks.

Unplug your appliances whenever they are not in use. Appliances in standby mode can still continue to consume energy. It is always better to unplug them for safety and to avoid any electrical hazards.

Maintenance is the key to appliance efficiency. If you don’t have time to maintain your appliances, seek help by availing professional services. ZipCare by Croma is one such service that offers the ultimate care to your appliances. You can opt for an extended warranty or check for any other protection or maintenance plan as per your need.

ZipCare services are like enjoying convenience at your doorstep. You can simply call to convey your appliance issue, and the same will be addressed without any hassle. If you are planning to give your appliances what they deserve, ZipCare is an excellent choice.

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