OnePlus launched the OnePlus 13 recently, and it comes with impressive specifications and features. The device also has a rare feature up its sleeve that makes it hard to lose. We are talking about a Find My Device feature that allows you to locate the device even when it’s powered off.
So, if you are planning to buy the new OnePlus 13 or are interested to know about this cool feature, read on.
You can locate your OnePlus 13 even if it’s powered off
During the launch of the OnePlus 13, OnePlus boasted about the phone’s cameras and performance, however, it missed on its rare Find My Device feature. The smartphone comes with powered off finding feature that lets you locate the device even when it’s turned off.
Here’s how this works. There’s a ‘Find your offline devices’ feature tucked within the ‘Find My Device’ tab in the Settings app. When you turn this feature on, the OnePlus 13 will send encrypted location information to nearby Android phones within a network.
This way, you will be able to know your OnePlus 13’s location even when it’s off. To check its location, you will have to head to on your other device.
When you choose to turn on this feature ‘Without network’, you will only be able to get to know your phone’s location. However, when you choose the ‘With network’ option, your OnePlus 13 will be participating in a network, allowing it to the detect location of devices nearby and send them over to help others find their phones.
ALSO READ: OnePlus 13 vs OnePlus 12: What’s changed
Notably, only the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset supports this feature, thanks to the FastConnect 7900 connectivity subsystem. Having said that, older OnePlus phones won’t be compatible with this feature.
Also, it’s the manufacturer’s choice to opt for this feature, and not all Snapdragon 8 Elite-powered phones may necessarily support the ability. However, Google’s Pixel 8 and Pixel 9 also support this feature, thanks to the Tensor chips.
This Find My Device feature on the new OnePlus 13 enhances the traceability factor of the device, making it hard to lose. What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments below.
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