How often should you clean your washing machine?

Keeping your appliance squeaky clean at all times

How often should you clean your washing machine?

Your washing machine works tirelessly to keep your clothes fresh and clean, but it also needs regular attention to maintain its efficiency and hygiene. Over time, detergent residue, lint, dirt, and even mould can accumulate within the machine, affecting its performance and potentially transferring unpleasant odours to your laundry. 

So, how often should you clean your washing machine to keep it in top-notch condition? Here are some recommended cleaning routines for different types of washing machines and usage patterns.

Cleaning frequency for different washing machine types

Cleaning frequency can vary depending on the type of washing machine you own.

ALSO READ: How to wash clothes in a washing machine

Here is a breakdown for different machine types:

1. Top-loading agitator machines:

For these traditional models, a monthly cleaning is generally recommended. The agitator, due to its design, can trap lint and debris, requiring more frequent attention.

2. Top-loading impeller machines:

These machines with a low-profile impeller tend to be gentler on clothes and accumulate less debris. Cleaning them every three months should suffice.

3. Front-loading machines:

Front-loaders are known for their energy efficiency, but their tight seals can create a moist environment that fosters mould growth. A monthly cleaning is crucial to prevent this issue.

Factors influencing cleaning frequency

The frequency with which you should clean your washing machine is influenced by various factors. Your usage patterns play a significant role; frequent use with multiple loads per week means you will need to clean it more often to prevent dirt and grime buildup. Additionally, the type of water you use can impact cleaning frequency, as hard water containing mineral deposits may necessitate more regular cleaning to prevent limescale and residue accumulation. 

The type of detergent you use also matters, as excessive use or lower-quality detergents can lead to faster buildup of residue, requiring more frequent cleaning. Finally, your washing habits influence cleaning frequency. If you frequently wash heavily soiled clothes or items like pet bedding, you may find that your machine needs more regular attention to maintain optimal performance and hygiene.

Signs your washing machine needs cleaning

There are several unmistakable signs that your washing machine is overdue for a cleaning. If you spot visible mould or mildew growth inside the drum, around the door seal, or within the detergent dispenser, it is a clear indication that dirt and grime have accumulated over time, warranting immediate attention. 

Unpleasant odours wafting from the machine, often described as musty or sour, point to a buildup of bacteria and mould, which can compromise the cleanliness of your laundry and even affect your washing machine’s performance. If your freshly washed clothes emerge with lingering odours or fail to achieve the same level of cleanliness they once did, it is a strong indication that your machine needs a thorough cleaning.

Cleaning tips and tricks

1. Cleaning your washing machine doesn’t have to be a daunting task. You can run an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of white vinegar or a washing machine cleaner. This helps to remove residue and disinfect the machine.

ALSO READ: 5 best washing machines to buy in India

2. Next, you can clean the door seal and detergent dispenser as these areas are prone to mould growth and should be wiped down regularly. After each wash, leave the door open to allow the drum to air out and prevent moisture build-up.

By following these tips and adhering to the recommended cleaning frequency based on your machine type and usage patterns, you can ensure that your washing machine remains a reliable and hygienic appliance for years to come.

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