How long do air conditioners last? Warning signs it’s time to replace yours

Not replacing your AC in time could cost you more in the long run

How long do air conditioners last? Warning signs it’s time to replace yours

Depending on where you live, an air conditioner (AC) is an essential and significant investment, something that many even look at as a one-time purchase. As with any electronic and mechanical device, however, air conditioners wear down over time and there will come a point when you will need to replace them. Proper care and maintenance will prolong their life, but after a certain point, you just have to get a new one.

What are the warning signs that your air conditioner has reached that point, though? Let’s take a look.

When you’re paying more for maintenance than the cost of a replacement

The clearest indicator that it’s time to replace your AC. Whatever the issue – be it a coolant leak, clogged pipes, or a damaged compressor – if the frequency and cost of your repairs are starting to go up, it’s time to consider a replacement. Mechanical parts wear down over time, electrical connections fail, and coolant pipes can and will get eroded. A machine that acts up frequently is telling you that it’s dying.

When your electricity bill starts to balloon

We’d strongly recommend keeping a closer eye on your electricity bill and AC usage as the machine gets older. An AC comprises a lot of fast-moving parts that will get less efficient with time, and these inefficiencies can add up to a point where the electricity bill is significant enough to warrant a replacement of your AC.

ALSO READ: Here’s why regular air conditioner servicing is important

There’s not much you can do to save such a machine as those inefficiencies would have developed due to years of wear and tear.

When it’s over 10 years old

It’s generally accepted that an AC unit can last 10-15 years if maintained properly. If your machine is over 10 years old and acting up, it’s nearing the end of its life and it’s time to start planning for a replacement. Newer machines are not only more efficient, saving on electricity costs in the long run, they also boast of quality-of-life improvements that were unthinkable a decade or more ago.

When it becomes a fire hazard

Air conditioners, especially older ones with moody, overheating compressors are a legitimate fire hazard. Bear in mind that when an AC compressor blows or if there’s any kind of electrical fire inside, the smoke and other gases, including the refrigerant in the case of a leak, will be blown straight into your room by the AC fan. 

Get your air conditioner inspected regularly, especially if it starts making odd noises. A trained technician should be able to spot significant issues in time and give you enough warning when you need to start worrying, but it also helps to be alert yourself.

When the noise becomes unbearable

AC units are not supposed to be noisy, and one that’s maintained properly will be virtually silent. The noise levels of a machine that’s breaking down will rise slowly and may not be immediately noticeable, and this can be exacerbated when using split ACs where the compressor is in an area that you don’t frequent. It’s good practice to simply check on the noise levels of your machine from time to time, and to take note of when it starts getting too loud. 

ALSO READ: Here are the 10 best air conditioner brands in India

Maintenance and repairs can help up to a point, but that noise is usually a result of unwanted vibrations, which can cause stress fractures and other types of permanent damage to your machine over time. If it starts getting too loud, replace your AC.

Air conditioners are mechanical contraptions with a lot of moving parts that need regular maintenance. Like cars, a strict maintenance schedule and paying heed to issues like unusual noises and overheating can help catch problems early and mitigate the wear and tear that will inevitably result in an irreparable AC. Treat your AC well and it’ll serve you for a long time but do heed the warning signs and don’t take unnecessary risks.

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