Artificial intelligence in gaming (and 10 AI games to try)

Here is how AI is enhancing the gaming experience

Artificial intelligence in gaming (and 10 AI games to try)

Remember the good old days when you could outsmart video games with a few memorised patterns? Those tricky bad guys always took the same path, and you could practically predict their every move. Well, things have gotten a lot more interesting thanks to artificial intelligence (AI)!

Now, games are getting downright clever. Enemies learn from your strategies, adapting to the way you like to play. Sometimes, whole worlds shift and change because of the choices you make!  It’s a whole new level of exciting and unpredictable gameplay.

How does AI Make games better?

Here are different ways in which AI offers an enhanced gaming experience on your laptops, desktops and gaming consoles

1. Forget those cardboard cutouts

Remember those old-school NPCs that just stood around like statues? AI has changed that forever. Now, they’re practically alive! Shoot in their general direction, and they’ll either hit the dirt for cover or scramble for safety – just like you would. Try to pull a sneaky one on them, and they might sense something’s up or even strike back. This stuff makes you forget you’re playing a game!

2. No more punching bags

AI turns those bad guys into real challenges. You won’t be able to keep using the same strategy against that giant boss monster. They watch what you do, learn from your successes, and change how they fight. You must remain vigilant to avoid potential defeat!

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3. Worlds that feel real

The magic of AI isn’t just about enemies. It makes the entire world pulse with life. Animals react just like they would in the wild – maybe they take off if you startle them, or maybe they watch you from a distance, all wary-eyed. Towns and cities might feel bustling, and even the weather isn’t always predictable thanks to AI doing its thing.

4. Games that know your style

Some of the coolest games out there use AI to figure out how you play. If they see you getting a little too frustrated, they might give you a little break behind the scenes and make things a bit easier. But if you’re crushing it? Be prepared for them to turn up the heat and really test what you’ve got.

10 AI-Powered games to try

Here are 10 AI-driven games you need to try out right away. 

1. The Last of Us Part II 

Intense, emotional, and the enemies in this game are relentless and smart.

2. F.E.A.R. (2005)

Even by today’s standards, this shooter has incredible enemy AI.

3. Alien: Isolation 

If you love being stalked by a terrifying foe, this game’s alien uses AI to hunt you down in unpredictable ways.

4. Forza Horizon series 

The “Drivatar” AI learns from real player racing styles, making even AI opponents feel unique.

5. Hitman series

Experiment, try crazy things, and see how the AI-powered guards, targets, and crowds react. It’s amazingly flexible.

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6. Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War 

The “Nemesis System” lets enemies remember you, develop rivalries, and even cheat death to come back stronger.

7. Left 4 Dead 

The “AI Director” tailors zombie hordes, item placement, and events specific to how your group is playing.

8. Dota 2 

Top AI bots can now beat pro esports players in this super complex game. Are strategy fans ready for that level of challenge?

9. Grand Theft Auto V 

The open-world chaos is amazing, and it largely depends on how the world’s inhabitants react to you – for better or worse!

10. Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite gets AI-powered bots which can weigh decisions and choose between them in real time, analysing their pros and cons, cycling through weapons, changing combat stategy, and more.

The future of AI gaming

This is just the beginning! Imagine the possibilities: AI could generate unique stories just for you, create worlds so realistic you will forget they are digital, and give you companions who learn and grow alongside you. It goes without saying that upcoming iterations of existing games may come equipped with a lot of AI driven features.

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