7 essential laundry tips for the monsoon season

Keep your clothes fresh, come rain or sunshine!

7 essential laundry tips for the monsoon season

The monsoon season, in India, brings much-needed respite from the scorching heat. But, it also brings with it, its own set of challenges. Especially when it comes to laundry. High humidity levels, frequent rain, and limited sunshine can make drying clothes a real struggle. However, with these seven simple laundry tips we’ve listed out, you can navigate the monsoon season with ease and keep your clothes fresh and clean at all times. Read on.

Laundry tips for the monsoon season

Here are some essential tips for effectively drying your clothes in the monsoon season: 

1. Prioritise quick-drying fabrics:

During the monsoon, opt for lightweight and quick-drying fabrics like cotton, linen, and synthetic blends. Avoid heavy fabrics like denim and wool, as they take longer to dry and are more prone to mildew.

2. Wash smaller loads:

Washing smaller loads allows for better air circulation within the washing machine and faster drying. Overloading the machine can lead to clothes remaining damp for longer, increasing the risk of unpleasant odours.

ALSO READ: How to keep your laundry fresh during the monsoon season

3. Utilise spin cycles effectively:

Make the most of your washing machine’s spin cycle to remove as much excess water as possible. This will significantly reduce drying time, even when using indoor drying methods. 

4. Maximise indoor drying space:

With limited sunshine during the monsoon, indoor drying becomes essential. Invest in a clothes drying rack or utilise any available space like balconies or empty rooms. Hang clothes loosely to allow for better airflow and faster drying. 

5. Invest in a dehumidifier:

If you live in a particularly humid area, consider using a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels indoors. This will not only aid in drying clothes but also prevent the growth of mould and mildew. 

6. Use anti-bacterial detergent:

During the monsoon, it’s advisable to use a detergent with anti-bacterial properties. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi, which thrive in damp conditions and can cause your clothes to develop an unpleasant odour as well as cause skin irritation. 

7. Dry clothes in direct sunlight whenever possible:

On those rare occasions when the sun peeks through the clouds, seize the opportunity to dry your clothes outdoors. Direct sunlight is a natural disinfectant and will help kill any lingering bacteria.

Additional tips to keep in mind

Here are some additional laundry tips for the monsoon season, when drying clothes indoors becomes necessary due to the damp weather.

1. Ironing your clothes after they’ve dried indoors can help eliminate any musty smell and kill remaining bacteria, providing a crisp finish.

2. Adding a cup of white vinegar to the final rinse cycle can soften clothes and remove any detergent residue, preventing them from feeling stiff after drying indoors.

3. Incorporate a few drops of essential oils like lavender or lemon into the wash or dryer. This helps impart a fresh fragrance to your clothes, combating any lingering odours and enhancing their overall freshness.

These additional tips can complement indoor drying methods during the monsoon, leaving your laundry feeling and smelling great despite the challenging weather conditions.

ALSO READ: Improve your washing machine’s lifespan with these tips 

The monsoon season doesn’t have to be a laundry nightmare. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your clothes stay clean, fresh, and dry, even during the dampest days. Remember to be patient, as drying times may be longer than usual. With a little extra care and attention, you can conquer the monsoon laundry challenge and enjoy the refreshing rains without worry.

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