5 AI tools that you can run on your PC

A bit of AI help can do wonders for your work

5 AI tools that you can run on your PC

There’s no denying that artificial intelligence today has lent a helping hand in getting a lot of our otherwise time-consuming work done within minutes. And while OpenAI’s ChatGPT may have kickstarted the generative AI boom, a lot of other makers have incorporated this technology to create game-changing productivity platforms for just about everyone.

AI tools today can not only help you tackle mundane work faster but also leave enough time for you to do the research that really matters. But you don’t have to download hefty software or purchase expensive extensions to run them all; we have a list of five AI tools that you can run on your PC without any trouble. Check them out:

5 AI PC tools to help you tackle everyday work

While most of these tools are free, you may still have to subscribe to a premium tier to enjoy all of their benefits. That said, check out our list that can help you get started either way:

1. Any.do

2. Canva Pro

3. ChatPDF

4. Grammarly

5. Sanebox AI

1. Any.do

Do you have trouble keeping up with your tasks during the day? Any.do can simplify this with AI-powered features. The platform essentially scans your tasks to create a list for yourself. Whether this is a grocery list or a recurring task of sending your clothes to a dry cleaner, you can trust the tool to take matters into its own hands. What’s more, it can be extended across devices, including your tablet, smartwatch or phone, meaning you don’t have to worry about your pending chores when you’re away from your PC.

2. Canva Pro

Canva has always been a go-to tool for times when we’re late at whipping up a presentation or a report. However, Canva Pro takes this up a notch by adding in an AI image generator that can help you create unique images for your project in no time. If that’s not all, it also comes with other important tools, such as the Magic Edit, Magic Design, Magic Eraser, and Background Remover, making it a breeze for you to have a design ready in no time.

3. ChatPDF

ChatPDF is a free tool that uses artificial intelligence to manage your workflow. It typically helps simplify heavy PDF files, like research papers, and answers related questions for you. ChatPDF does this by scanning the document and citing the page marked with your answer. You can also ask it to summarise a document or give you a gist of the report.

4. Grammarly

Grammarly is a well-known grammar and plagiarism-checking tool that works best for laptops and computers. It allows a user to set the tone of their choice, and adjust the engagement and delivery of their report with a few quick clicks. Additionally, users also have the option of using its Generative AI tool to improve their text, identify gaps or generate any other relevant ideas. While the free version is only limited to checking grammatical or typing errors, Grammarly Premium offers a wide variety of tools to get expert writing help when required.

ALSO READ: How to prevent AI chatbots from collecting your data

5. Sanebox AI

No one likes a messy inbox, and Sanebox AI is here to ensure that’s never a problem with you. The AI productivity tool helps you clean your mailbox without having to manually identify your emails. It also makes sure you don’t have to download or install any extra extensions. It even banishes annoying senders and snoozes emails when you’re asleep. Lastly, it comes up with a digest of emails by summarising all that you haven’t opened through the week.

While AI tools are gradually being incorporated across industries, it is best to be cautious with personal information online. Make sure you follow safe practices and avoid giving away sensitive data online.

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