Telltale signs your water purifier filters need to be changed

Compromise on clean water no more

Telltale signs your water purifier filters need to be changed

Regular maintenance is part and parcel of owning any gadget, whether it is an air conditioner, a refrigerator, a laptop, a washing machine, or something even as small as a pair of earphones.

Furthermore, there are telltale signs with each such gadget, that it may be due for maintenance soon, the lack of which may cause it to function incorrectly or unsatisfactorily.

Water purifiers happen to be no exception to the same, bearing in mind how they’ve become a necessity in homes owing to rising pollution levels and the subsequent poor quality of water.  While each purifier, across different brands and price points, has its own unique set of features — of paramount importance in any water purifier is its filter and membrane, which need to be changed regularly for the purifier to continue functioning in an effective manner.

ALSO READ: 5 features you should look for when buying a new water purifier

So, we thought we’d put together a little list for you of the signs to look out for to know when to change your water purifier’s filters. Read on to find out more.

Signs you need to change your water purifier filters

1. Taste

The moment water from your purifier develops a metallic/salty taste, you should consider getting your filters changed, as they may be choked with impurities. This may be either due to a water supply issue, or even wear and tear over time. Furthermore, if the water appears to have developed a chlorine-like odour, chances are, you need to change your purifier’s filters.

2. Low water pressure

When the filters inside a water purifier get choked with the impurities, soluble or insoluble, the pressure at which water is dispensed reduces. This is a classic sign of your purifier’s filters requiring a change.

3. Cloudy water

Clean water appears to be colourless and entirely transparent. If your water purifier has begun to dispense cloudy water, or water with even the slightest tinge of colour to it, then it is more than likely that your purifiers filters have become choked with impurities, as a result of which they are unable to function effectively. While the cloudiness may not be apparent in an indoor setting, hold up a glass filled with the water against sunlight to check for the same. If it appears cloudy, get your purifier’s filters and membrane changed at the earliest.

4. Indicator light on your water purifier

While it is recommended that one change the filters on their water purifiers once every 12 months anyway, the same can also vary depending upon a number of factors including water supply quality, pressure, and so on.

ALSO READ: What is reverse osmosis in water purifiers?

Not everyone may remember the last time their filters were changed or are due for a change again. Therefore, many brands these days also equip their water purifiers with alarms or indicators to remind them of the same.

Now, we understand some of you may not pick up on or notice these issues even after checking at times. Worry not though, all you need to is check out the ZipCare Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) plan for water purifiers, wherein trained technicians will help you keep your water purifiers in tip-top shape!

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