OnePlus launched the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R in India and globally last night. The new flagship phones come with a bunch of new features and improvements in both the hardware and the software side of things. With no significant bump up in the price tags, they are already looking like some good value-for-money devices.
That said, some credit for why the OnePlus 13 series is getting praised can also be given to aspects outside of the phone. OnePlus has also announced a number of cases and other first-party accessories with the OnePlus 13, which will add to the phone’s feature-set. Here are all the details about the new OnePlus 13 accessories.
OnePlus 13 cases
First is a range of magnetic add-ons for the OnePlus 13. These OnePlus 13 magnetic cases snap to the back of the phone, just like any other regular case would, and protect the device from scratches, nicks and other impacts.
ALSO READ: OnePlus 13 price in India revealed
However, these OnePlus 13 accessories also sport a built-in magnetic ring, which lets you hook up the OnePlus 13 to a range of magnetic accessories, including those built for the MagSafe compatible iPhones.
This includes stands, wireless chargers, car mounts, magnetic selfie sticks, tripod mounts and much more. The cases are available in four finishes – a Sandstone one, priced at Rs 1,299, a Wood Grain variant, priced at Rs 2,299, and an Aramid Fiber variant, priced at Rs 2,499. There’s also a Brown Wood Grain variant that’s exclusive to the North American markets.
OnePlus 13 wireless charger
OnePlus also announced a new 50W AirVOOC wireless charger with the OnePlus 13. This charger, also a magnetic accessory, is a minimal looking circular charging pad that can wirelessly charge the OnePlus 13 at up to 50W, which is the highest wireless charging speeds the phone can achieve.
The charger itself is sleek and compact and comes in the red + black + white colour variant. It is priced at Rs 5,999.
Those were the first party OnePlus 13 accessories the brand launched alongside the phone, but expect a lot of third-party brands to come up with their own accessories once the phone becomes available in India later this month.
Meanwhile, feel free to check out our full coverage of the OnePlus 13 and all that’s new with the device.
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Chetan Nayak