Background data explained: Tips to restrict and optimise usage

Optimise your phone’s performance by managing background data.

Background data explained: Tips to restrict and optimise usage

Our smartphones are constantly working in the background, fetching emails, updating apps, and syncing data. This silent activity is known as “background data,” and while it keeps us informed and our apps up to date, it can also silently drain our precious mobile data allowances. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of background data, exploring what it is, why it matters, and most importantly, how you can take control and optimise its usage to save both data and battery.

What is background data?

Background data refers to the data that your apps use when they are not actively open on your screen. This can include checking for new emails, syncing social media feeds, downloading updates, and even playing music in the background.

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While some background data is essential for apps to function properly, a significant portion can be unnecessary and excessive, leading to unexpected data overages.

Why should you care about background data?

There are several compelling reasons to pay attention to your background data usage. Firstly, managing background data can significantly reduce your monthly data consumption, potentially saving you money on your mobile bill. Secondly, excessive background data usage can drain your phone’s battery faster, leaving you without power when you need it most. Lastly, some apps may collect and transmit data in the background, raising privacy concerns.

How to take control of background data

Fortunately, there are several effective strategies you can employ to manage and optimise your background data usage:

1. Identify data-hungry apps:

Android: Go to “Settings” > “Network & internet” > “Mobile network” > “App data usage.” Here, you’ll see a breakdown of which apps are consuming the most data.

iOS: Navigate to “Settings” > “Mobile Data.” Scroll down to see a list of apps and their data usage.

2. Restrict background data for specific apps:

Android: Tap on an app in the “App data usage” list and toggle off “Background data.”

iOS: Disable “Background App Refresh” for individual apps in the “Mobile Data” settings.

3. Use Wi-Fi whenever possible:

Connect to Wi-Fi networks at home, work, or public places to avoid using mobile data for background tasks.

4. Enable data save mode:

Android: Go to “Settings” > “Network & internet” > “Data Saver” and toggle it on. This will restrict background data for most apps.

iOS: There is no system-wide Data Saver mode on iOS, but some apps have their own data-saving options.

5. Update apps on Wi-Fi only:

Configure your app store settings to download updates only when connected to Wi-Fi.

6. Limit background activity for certain apps:

Some apps offer settings to control how often they check for updates or sync data in the background. Adjust these settings to your preferences.

7. Review app permissions:

Regularly review the permissions granted to your apps and disable unnecessary access to your data and location.

8. Consider third-party apps:

There are apps available on both Android and iOS that can help you monitor and control your background data usage more effectively.

While restricting background data can save you data and battery life, it is important to strike the right balance. Some apps, like messaging apps or email clients, may need to run in the background to deliver notifications promptly. Carefully consider which apps require background access and adjust your settings accordingly.

ALSO READ: 6 reasons your mobile data often stops working

By understanding what background data is, why it matters, and how to manage it, you can take control of your mobile data usage and avoid unexpected surprises in your bill. With the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can optimise your smartphone’s performance while saving both data and battery. 

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